business technology d-tech-educateBusinessman using tablet social connection,conceptual image of social connection

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

John F. Kennedy

The challenges that a person undertakes in life to become someone are many, often so difficult that they seem unattainable.
Becoming a leader today is a real challenge which requires a lot of work and willpower.
Technology is a light at the end of the tunnel which will light the way to success.

Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships of a business. It also affects the security of confidential information and trade advantages.

Do you ever wonder what makes technology in business so important? The answer is simple and easy. Technology saves your time and effort, and on top of that, it enhances the security of your organization. Numerous factors determine the importance of technology in business because the role it plays is crucial for the operations to run smoothly and efficiently.

Technology in business is a growing necessity. As the time go by, the business world is becoming more technological. Innovation nurtures business, and since technology creates the way for it, we can say that business needs technology to be sustained.
Technology has literally changed every aspect of the way businesses operate at a fast pace. How your business can keep it up with changing technology trends? You don’t have to reformulate the foundation of your business. All you need to do is understand how technology affects your organization (for better or worse) and how to apply breakthroughs to take advantages of them.
The role of technology in business is vital. In the last decades, technology has provided a new and better approach on how to manage business making the transactions faster, more efficient and more convenient. Technology is changing many areas in business such as accounting, data collection, logistics and sales and promotion, among others.

What is Technological Innovation?

Technological Innovation aims at improving a product or introducing a new product or process with new technological characteristics to differentiate it from before. Once they are brought in the market, it is considered as innovation and works to an advantage to the enterprise concerned or to the general public.

This quick experimentation provides information that helps companies make informed decisions about which technologies and innovations to adopt and which to ignore, which platforms and products show promise, and where to bet.

Role of technology in a modern business

Technology has an enormous role to play in a modern business. In a world dominated by the internet and digital media, technological innovations provide a company with the tools to sustain itself and flourish.

Technology helps your employees save time and effort by automating parts of their job. It enables the marketing team to create targeted campaigns that are likely to perform better than generic campaigns. You can also breathe a sigh of relief when technology prevents your sensitive data from being the victim of a malicious cyber-attack.

Here are a few more points that outline the importance of technology in business management.

  1. Technology can improve employee engagement

Technology can improve employee engagement much better than outdated business management tactics. State-of-the-art digital communication platforms allow your employees to share essential information in real-time, thereby encouraging them to collaborate more often.

These technological tools can also help the management team be more transparent when it comes to employee appreciation by allowing.

  1. Technology can help you explore new growth markets and opportunities

Technological innovations can help you explore new markets to expand your operations and grow your business. The report showed that quick adoption of automation in a business can have a positive effect on company growth.

Additionally, technological innovations like predictive analytics and machine learning allow you to predict future outcomes for your business decisions based on historical data. They help you to anticipate the response of your customers to new products or marketing campaigns with reasonable accuracy.

The course curriculum has a relevant module that helps you understand how business analysts pull up actionable insights with the help of technology to identify new growth opportunities.

Along with a healthy appreciation for technology, this course can also equip you with important marketing, communication, and information technology and business skills.

  1. Technology can help secure your business against data thefts and money heists

Top-notch cybersecurity is essential for protecting your business from thefts of data or money, primarily if you use computers and other technological tools. The latest cybersecurity advancements, like antivirus or cloud-protection systems, secure your crucial and sensitive data from being hacked by malicious parties.

Being an international centre of technological innovations, countries in business innovation and technology.

Technological tools and innovations are now becoming increasingly popular across the world. It is not long before a corporate boardroom resembles a scene from your favourite science fiction novel. Invest in an appropriate business technology programme to contribute to the technological transformation of the business world.

Benefits of Technology Solutions for Business

1. Improved Business Agility

Technology solutions allow small businesses to remain agile and quick to respond to change within the markets. Integration of various tech leads to increased collaboration among teams leading to better product development. Faster product launches, better quality innovations, and improved product features will drive your business growth.

2. Improved Staff Coordination and Collaboration

Significant advances in communication technologies have allowed corporations to organize their teams better. Software products improve collaboration among your staff members. Systems, conference calls, and telepresence software allow employees to interact remotely from any part of the world. It improves efficiency in the running of the business as well as promotes better work-life balance.

3. Automation and Productivity

The adoption of technology solutions for business allows small and medium-sized enterprises to run as efficiently as the larger corporations. Tapping into the benefits of high-speed internet and automation software allows for better handling of vital tasks. Automation tools can enhance your digital presence and engagement with your customers.

4. Increased Revenue Streams

Technology solutions for business allow executives to generate new sources of revenue for their enterprises. The creation of e-commerce stores enables sales teams to target a broader customer base. Businesses are also tapping into the wonders of SEO and PPC marketing to generate more leads and revenue.

5. Better Storage Solutions

IT infrastructure modernization enables businesses to drop outdated legacy systems for cloud storage solutions. Cloud storage systems are reliable, allowing for restricted access to business information from any place in the globe. It enables your teams to work remotely, accessing the necessary information. It also eliminates the need to maintain bulky servers, saving on space and cost.

6. Financial Savings

Business and corporate executives are adopting Infrastructure as a Service, outsourcing most of their IT solutions to consultancy firms. Communication solutions such as video conferencing and VOIP enable businesses to save on travel costs and accommodation. Cloud services reduce data storage costs. Automation reduces the need for surplus staff, saving on labor costs.

7. Improved Data Security

Technology solutions for business can help you better protect your corporate information. Tech support for small businesses can help create encryptions and firewalls that enhance your data security.

8. Better Customer Experience

Intuitive web designs can help streamline your operations on the first point of contact with your potential clients. Automated tools can enable customers to book appointments and consultations. These technological systems can help build consumer trust and brand image.

Computer systems


The introduction of computer systems in most workplaces has increased the efficiency of many companies. Computer systems allow everything to be done much quicker and without any stress.

Records can be backed up on a tiny disc instead of having to be printed and filed and taking up space in an office. Computer systems also allow a greater ease of communication between colleagues and with clients; arranging a meeting is now as simple as sending round an email, for example.


Computers are also used in many jobs to create graphic representations or visualisations of future projects; this is common in the domains of graphic design, construction and architecture.

Improved Sales

The internet has enabled companies to offer sales online, which means they can receive orders 24 hours a day rather than solely during working hours; this has significantly improved sales for most companies. Consumers also benefit from being able to purchase items or arrange appointments when it suits them rather than being restricted by opening hours.


Scientific research and innovative technology has radically changed the manufacturing processes carried out by most companies.

Technology can save businesses millions of pounds by investing in a machine rather than a workforce of people.

The machines developed nowadays are also much more efficient and generally prevent any accidents or errors from occurring.

Reasons why technology is key for Businesses

1. Communication

Technology enables a faster, wider and more efficient means of communication. This will include interactions within your team or with your clients, potential customers, investors or the general public. Video conferencing technologies, like Skype and Zoom, make meetings from across geographical borders convenient. As for within your organization, an app like Slack or Asana can help you simplify communication within your team. You can use this to track projects, details on tasks, deadlines, etc., regardless of whether they work from under the same roof, or remotely. Email, newsletters, social media, and other platforms are all equally essential resources for communication.

2. Security

With the rise in cyber-crime and data breaches, tight security is imperative for all businesses. Today, all business assets are mostly stored in the cloud or on endpoints. This has made it necessary for companies to adopt strict measures to keep their data as well as that of their customers secure.

3. Efficiency

Technology helps increase the efficiency of systems, products and services. It helps track and streamline processes, maintain data flow and manage contacts and employee records. In fact, this increased efficiency in operation helps reduce costs as well as enable the business to grow rapidly.

4. Employee assistance

Most employees feel the need to use the latest technologies in performing their tasks with the belief that it will help them deliver the best results. Companies need to consider the cost-output relationship and provide suitable technology to enhance results.

5. Time and money

There’s no doubt that technology helps businesses achieve more in less time, with no detriment to the quality of product or service. In fact, technology is now performing repetitive tasks that were earlier performed by people. This helps by saving on employee costs, or having them work in areas where they are really needed.

Businesses need to have an in-depth understanding of technological tools in order to optimally leverage them. Management information systems go a long way in helping companies track their data, sales, productivity levels and expenses. Data can also identify areas of improvement as well as opportunities for growth. Ably handling information systems will help businesses streamline administrative operations, reduce operation costs, innovate, enter new markets, improve customer service and create a competitive advantage for themselves in the market.

At Them You & Me, we don’t doubt the importance of technology in business and believe that it can transform the way you work. If you have any questions or need help with your digital marketing strategy, do give us a call.

Cloud Computing Apps

Running business usually requires delegating tasks to several talented people — think designers, copywriters, project managers, your significant other. If you don’t have the right tools to keep everyone on the same page, it’s easy to miscommunicate. The following apps will help you share files, organize ideas, and stay up-to-date on your team’s to-do lists.

1. Google Workspace

Google Workspace website home page.

Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) lets you port files among PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The standard package comes with 30 GB of online storage per user with options to upgrade to unlimited. And it allows you to create docs, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and more.

Key Features:

  • Offers a popular set of intelligent business apps
  • Stops the need to use different apps for basic business functions
  • Provides professional and ad-free business email experience.

2. ShipStation

Best Small Business Apps DreamHost

If you sell and ship products online, you need a time-saving e-commerce solution to streamline your shipping. Cloud-based ShipStation is simple to use and allows you to process online orders, get order alerts, print shipping labels, track shipments, and more.

Key Features:

  • Works with most e-commerce platforms, including WooCommerce and Shopify
  • Streamline the order processing system to fit your business’s needs
  • Create custom shipping labels that show off your brand

3. SurveyMonkey

Small Business Apps DreamHost

Stop guessing what your customers want, and ask them yourself. With SurveyMonkey, you can create surveys to measure user engagement and get anonymous customer feedback on your products, pricing, website, and any unmet needs of your target market. Build simple or more complex surveys, and find tips on the SurveyMonkey website about question types and how to word them. Survey creation is collaborative, and results and reports can be viewed by different team members without sharing login information.

Key Features:

4. Dropbox Business

Dropbox Business is a cloud computing app that allows you to sync files and folders across various platforms. The mobile app gives you access to all your files on the go and offers plans for really small businesses — we’re talking just three users.

Key Features:

  • Offers cloud storage of all important files
  • Prevents lost files
  • Provides flexible storage plans

5. Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive allows cloud storage and file sharing through synced folders. You can view and edit OneDrive files from any smartphone or tablet with the OneDrive mobile app. Though it works for both Macs and PCs, additional services like settings backup and automatic photo upload are reserved for Windows 8 and Windows Phone users.

Key Features:

  • Offers convenient file sharing
  • Stops lost folders and files
  • Provides easy collaboration tools


Technological advancement has all the ability to tackle the complex business process and one of the ideal ways to grow the business. Digitalization is one of the trending technical solutions that can effectively handle the business operation and automates many operational processes in the business model. The traditional methods were time-consuming, and as well as the demand from the people was increasing with time. And that forced the business people to approach technological solutions. The concept of digitalization didn’t come as the replacement of the traditional method. Still, it came as an essential element that automates few things in the business operation and eliminates few things, increasing business productivity.




By Denis Hoxholli

The passion for technology, the curiosity and the desire to discover more about the world of the internet pushed me to create an educational peace for technology which I hope will help a lot of people with the information they will get from my posts. For the creation of the website I followed many videos on Youtube and WordPress attracted me more and I started to create it, now I am very happy that I created it. D-Tech Educate is a new website created to publish materials that will educate site visitors to be adopted with the latest technology, take advantage of its benefits while being careful with privacy of personal data etc. Thank you !

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